The Profit Puzzle
Pieces Modules System
"How To" Succeed in Your Small Business at Home


Don Osborne of The Profit Puzzle Small Business at Home Start-up Success System


Don Osborne

The Profit Puzzle

I just wanted to own and operate some kind of business on my own - my quest for lifestyle options! Years ago I made an active decision to be a successful small business owner. 

My desire and drive was not based on reality.

I didn't have a strong interest in a particular product, service, skill or hobby, just a strong desire to be a successful business owner. So, I invented a small business based on my ability to develop concepts, bring ideas and plans together and provide a service to those who needed my help.

Based on my experience as an employee of a small, local retail business and my active participation in the retail merchant's association, I set up a small service business as an Executive Director with services to non-profit membership associations.

I also drew on my college background as an Assistant Director for a multi-group conference center to demonstrate my organizational abilities.

My first small business operated for three years.

It wasn't highly profitable but it paved the way to corporate employment which ultimately laid the foundation for "The Profit Puzzle" and my being able to other small business owners Solve their Profit Puzzle and optimize their profitability.

Here's what I discovered.

Most small business owners have the drive and motivation for business ownership but limited knowledge of the key areas that are required for successful, profitable business ownership.

Your experience to date may not have brought you face to face with small business management, well researched business plans or the capital it takes to start up and sustain a success small business endeavor.

I learned making a profit takes dedication and education.

Without profit you just have a hobby, fewer options and less income to live the life of your small business dreams.

The reality for most of us is that we desire to succeed in a business of our own. Our willingness to "Learn and Do" or put all the profit pieces together is the key to creating success and profitability.

I created and have successfully used a small business "How To" workbook, "The Profit Puzzle", to help others accomplish their small business dreams and goals.

The eight business basics and their 32 key components, understood and implemented properly will make the difference in the level of your bottom line profit and success.


I believe in your success.


A quote given to me years ago by a couple whose success is proof of its wisdom, is the advice I would offer:


“You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true, it may take some work, however.”


3 Easy Steps to Profit Success
Doesn't it feel great to say "Problem Solved"? There are 3 easy steps you can take to feel the same way about your small business profit.
If a lack of profit is frustrating you there is a quick solution so you can say "Profit Solved" and move on to even more profit.
32 Profit Piece Action Steps
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1. Focus on Profit Centers

A Profit Center is a basic small business function or set of activities when done with more efficiency or effectiveness leads to increased profitability.

For example, if you can produce more sales by streamlining your sales steps to take less time and produce even more results, your Marketing Profit Center then becomes more profitable - Profit Solved!

2. Use Profit Plans

To solve your profit problem you must have a written plan based on the steps most likely to take the least amount of time to produce the greatest return on your investment. 

For most small business owners this does not have to be extensive or complex. It needs to be specific, actionable and project the amount of time and money required for step of the profit plan.

A good place to start when you develop a Profit Plan is with a blank piece of paper. This just means start as though you had no current plan. 

Develop your plan from an ideal point of view with a fresh approach and, maybe, with a little out of the box thinking. Make sure you are willing to implement the plan - Profit Solved!

3. Monitor Profit

The most critical of the 3 steps to success to be able to say "Profit Solved" is monitoring results and making any necessary adjustments. Good reporting procedures are needed to know what's happening with your Profit Plans for each Profit Center you're focused on.

This is the step that closes circle of the Profit Solved cycle. If a Profit Plan is not working: refocus the Profit Center and revise the Profit Pan and resume monitoring.

For More Profit Success Use the Checklist

Profit is the benchmark of small business success. It always feels great to have solved a problem. Practice the 3 steps to success so you can say - Profit Solved!

Each of the eight business basics covered on the Checklist is a potential Profit Center. By applying the Action Steps listed for each small business basics you open up the possibilities for saying - Profit Solved!

32 Profit Piece Action Steps
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The Profit Puzzle Small Business at Home Success System by Don Osborne for More Success Start Now!